Category: Witch Talk

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    Sigil Magick – How to Make a Sigil

    A sigil is a magickal symbol created and used for a specific purpose. They are often used in ritual, tarot, and spell crafting to suit the needs of the witch. Each one is unique to a specific phrase or situation, and they can be crafted quickly and discreetly any time you need one. They can…

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    Winter Witching – Snow Magick

    If you’ve been around here long enough, you’ll know that I live in Central Oregon. Right now, we’re being hammered with a bomb cyclone and snow is just dumping on us. Hooray, right before the holiday! Anyway, I wanted to share some tips for you on witching during the winter and what to do with…

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    The Witch’s Pyramid

    In my humble opinion, the witch’s pyramid is an essential part of learning witchcraft. It should be written in your book of shadows in one form or another as you learn. It should be committed to memory as a reminder of why you do what you do, what you believe, and the cost of those…

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    Hiding in Plain Sight

    Sometimes, practicing your craft and your faith will require hiding in plain sight. This can be for several reasons, but the most common is safety and professionalism. Now, I’m not talking about kids hiding things from their parents or guardians. That’s a different topic and one I will touch on at a later day. I’m…

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    Upcycling Candles

    I don’t know about you, but I enjoy a good tealight candle. However, they’re very limited in their scents and colors. So, what’s a witch to do? Upcycle them, of course! This tutorial came about because my Nana was here visiting and made mention while we were in the store that she wanted some scented…

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    Color Correspondences – Tradition or Emotion?

    If you’re not new to Wicca or witchcraft, you’ll know that there are a slew of correspondence lists out there on the internet for different aspects of magick. One of those things is color correspondences. Just a quick search will give you hundreds of tables from many different sources that tell you what each color…

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    Energy Work How-To

    One thing that you’ll hear witches mention a lot is the need for energy work. So, what is energy work in witchcraft? Well, its exactly as it sounds: using and manipulating energy around you to achieve a specific result. It can take a lot of practice, but its something that is doable. There are a…

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    5 Tips for the Empath

    An empath is a person who can sense, feel, and even experience the moods, emotions, and energies of those around them. For the inexperienced empath, these might seem like random unprovoked mood swings (in those without a mental illness in which these are a symptom) or gut feelings that you can’t explain. It can be…

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    What makes an altar?

    I was sitting at my altar this morning, just for a few minutes, taking a quiet moment to myself before I left for work. It occurred to me that my altar doesn’t look how I wished it would, but that’s ok. There’s a lot of extenuating circumstances around my altar and why it looks the…

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