Category: Witch Talk

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    What is a Blue Moon? || My Blue Moon Correspondences

    What is a Blue Moon? || My Blue Moon Correspondences

    A blue moon is not actually a blue moon. The moon doesn’t turn blue — even though that would pretty neat for a blue moon — but there are two different definitions for the term “blue moon”. The older definition says that a blue moon refers to the third full moon in a season with…

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    Magick Sigil Ink || Witchy DIY

    Magick Sigil Ink || Witchy DIY

    Magick sigil ink is simply that — a special ink that you create using ingredients chosen with intention and correspondences that fit the sigil’s purpose. Today on YouTube, I released a video detailing my very simple method for creating this ink and I wanted to share it with you here, too.

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    On the Topic of Gatekeeping

    In the pagan and witchcraft – heck, even the spiritual community – the idea of gatekeeping gets thrown around a lot. Today, I want to discuss this topic with you and why it isn’t a concept that should be thrown around like salt during a cleansing.

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    The Dark Moon is Rising || A Time of Reflection

    The Dark Moon is Rising || A Time of Reflection

    If you work with moon phases, you may be familiar with the term dark moon. This can depend, though, because some witches call it the new moon and skip over the dark moon. That’s fine – your practice is your own. I don’t tend to skip over the period of the dark moon, though, and…

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    How to make Loose Incense

    If you’ve ever wondered how to make loose incense yourself, I definitely recommend trying it out. The process is simple! Find the plant you want, dry it out, crush it up, and then burn it. Loose incense can be a smoke-free option for incense if you’re in a position where you can’t burn things such…

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    Do you need to worship a deity?

    The answer to this question can be complicated depending on your personal belief system, your view of religion, and if you belong to a specific tradition within a religion. To answer this question, you must first figure out where you fall on the spectrum of beliefs. So let’s start with some definitions.

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    Dating Non-Pagans

    We make up only a small portion of the world’s religions, so it makes sense that most of us might end up in relationships with a partner – or partners – that do not follow our religious path. I am one of those people, so I am speaking from experience on this topic. My boyfriend…

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    Offerings and Devotionals

    In many pagan faiths – or any faith where a deity or Higher Being is worshipped or revered – offerings and devotionals are a regular part of practice. But what does that mean?

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    Becoming a Witch in a Week?

    She spent a week “becoming a witch”, but her article falls short of being respectful. The Independent continuing to let this article slide is clear communication from the editor(s) in charge that they don’t care about the discriminating and offensive nature of their journalist poking at an entire group of people and their belief systems.

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