Month: September 2020

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    New Month Tarot Spread – Revisited

    New Month Tarot Spread – Revisited

    I created a new month tarot spread a while ago and I’ve been meaning to revisit the spread for a while now. This is a tarot spread that I use for myself every month. It is also a reading you can get from my shop or, if you’re a patron, you get one free every…

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  • Recycling is a Lie? || NPR Article Discussion

    Recycling is a Lie? || NPR Article Discussion

    Recently I read an article on NPR about recycling that got me very…huffy? Angry? Frustrated? Hurt? Upset? I don’t know exactly how to describe how it made me feel, but it wasn’t a great feeling. It’s called How Big Oil Misled The Public Into Believing Plastic Would Be Recycled, and I’m kind of embarrassed that…

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    Magick Sigil Ink || Witchy DIY

    Magick Sigil Ink || Witchy DIY

    Magick sigil ink is simply that — a special ink that you create using ingredients chosen with intention and correspondences that fit the sigil’s purpose. Today on YouTube, I released a video detailing my very simple method for creating this ink and I wanted to share it with you here, too.

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    Create a Tarot Spread || Tarot Tips and Tricks

    Create a Tarot Spread || Tarot Tips and Tricks

    When you learn how to create a tarot spread of your own, you realize that there are almost no limits! Sometimes the tarot spreads that we find online work great. Sometimes they don’t quite answer the questions or touch on the certain situation that we need guidance on. We need to be able to know…

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  • Welcome, September…

    Welcome, September…

    As I get ready to sit down and complete my monthly readings for myself and my patrons, I felt the call to sit down and write. I’m not sure what’s going to flow from my fingertips this morning, but since I’m not currently working on my book, I guess I just needed to type.

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